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What do people call “coffee” in different languages?


Anywhere you are travelling in the world, you will realise that coffee is loved everywhere. And in many of those countries, this universal drink has native names. Do you want to order your coffee in your native language when you visit a country next time? Take a look at these different blogs and learn how to say 'coffee' in the most spoken languages in the world.

Note that the pronunciation is more or less the same in most languages.

Swedish: In Sweden, people love a relaxed evening with friends and family, drinking coffee. They use the term kaffe to say coffee in Swedish.

French and Spanish: The French press is a popular method of coffee all around the world today. But, it is known to have roots in France. If you want to say ‘coffee’ in French, it is undoubtedly ‘café’.

The same is used for Spanish as well.

Indonesian: Try using kopi for your visit to Indonesia. You can also use the same name while traveling to Malaysia and Singapore. If you are looking for black coffee, you can use kopi-o

Greek: Coffee shops in Athens are a common sight, and drinking coffee is almost like a hobby to the Greeks. In Greece, people use kafés(καφέ) to say coffee.

● Korean: Starbucks in South Korea is everywhere. Apart from having foreign coffee chains, they also have many domestic coffee chains in the cities. In Korean, they say kapi (커피).

● Russian: While tea-drinkers are more common in Russia, coffee is not uncommon either. Coffee in Russia is known as кофе which can be pronounced as kofe.

Turkish: Everything is special about Turkish coffee. You don't have to visit Turkey to have a taste of special Turkish coffee. But if you have somehow found yourself in Turkey someday, and have a desire for some native taste, use kahve instead of coffee while ordering.

Mandarin: China might not be the top coffee consumer globally, but it has a growing population of coffee drinkers. In Mandarin, coffee is said as kāfēi.

German: Germany’s coffee culture isn’t well-known in the world, but Germans do enjoy Kaffee.

Italian: People in Italy call coffee caffè. And, when it comes to drinking caffè, Italians are known to have rules and rituals.

Hindi: The Hindi word for coffee is कॉफ़ी pronounced as kŏfī. Whether you are visiting Nepal or India, you shouldn’t have a problem with pronunciation.

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